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Is Your Amazon Marketplace Account Health At Risk?

Maintaining your Amazon account health is crucial for the success of your eCommerce brand. However, various issues can jeopardize your Amazon seller account health rating, potentially putting your account at risk of deactivating Amazon.

Are you struggling to maintain your Amazon account health rating due to?

  • Amazon Listing Policy Violations
  • Amazon Intellectual Property rights infringement
  • Failure to meet regulatory compliance standards
  • Order Defect Rate (ODR) above 1%
  • A Late Shipment Rate (LSR) above 4%
Get Your Account Assessment!
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We Keep Your Online Seller Account Secure & Steady at Every Step of the Way!

The stability of your Amazon Marketplace account can be surprisingly unpredictable. What once seemed robust can quickly falter due to unexpected factors, leading to disruptions in your eCommerce sales performance and impacting your Amazon account health. At SPCTEK, we specialize in Amazon Account Health, offering proactive measures to ensure your Amazon seller account health rating remains resilient and fully operational.
Whether you’re starting a new business or managing an established one, our dedicated team closely monitors your account’s adherence to policies, metrics, and activities. With daily checks, strategic appeals, and expert guidance, we prevent your account from being at risk of deactivating Amazon. We focus on how to improve Amazon account health by addressing policy violations and IP complaints before they escalate.
Our goal is to maintain your online account’s integrity, ensuring a strong Amazon account health rating 200 so you can focus on growing your business. Let SPCTEK handle the complexities of account health assurance Amazon, keeping your business thriving without interruption.
FREE Consultation Call to Discuss Your Needs
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Reasons To Start Amazon Account Health Management Service Now:

Discover how our Amazon Account Health Services can enhance your seller performance and safeguard your business sales and income.
Late Shipments
Our service ensures timely deliveries by closely monitoring your Amazon shipping metrics and offering proactive solutions. Avoid the pitfalls of a high late shipment rate and protect your Amazon account health with our expert guidance.
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Seller Account Policy Violations
We help you stay compliant with Amazon’s rules and procedures by providing regular policy updates and guidance on Amazon policy violation warnings. Keep your Amazon seller account health intact with our expert support.
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High Order Defect Rate (ODR)
We monitor and improve your Order Defect Rate (ODR) through detailed analysis and targeted corrective actions. Lower your ODR to protect your Amazon account health and maintain strong seller performance.
Product Authenticity Issues
We verify and authenticate your products to swiftly address any product authenticity concerns and prevent Amazon IP infringement claims. Protect your Amazon account health and ensure compliance with our expert services.
Intellectual Property (IP) Complaints
We efficiently handle Intellectual Property (IP) complaints, ensuring that any copyright, trademark, brand, or patent issues are resolved quickly and effectively. Protect your Amazon account health by addressing Amazon IP infringement concerns with our expert support.
Inaccurate Product Descriptions
We ensure your product descriptions are accurate, factually correct, and compliant with Amazon’s guidelines, enhancing customer trust and satisfaction while protecting your Amazon account health.
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How We Help Brands Maintain Top Account Health

We offer a comprehensive suite of services to keep your account healthy:

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Daily Monitoring

Our team conducts daily checks to ensure your account metrics are in optimal range, preventing issues before they arise.

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Negative Feedback Removal

We strive to get negative feedback removed if it’s promotional, abusive, or irrelevant content, and doesn’t comply with the feedback guidelines.

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Account Health Metrics

We review AHR (Account Health Rating), and metrics related to the shipping performance such as, LSR (Late Shipment Rate), and OTDR (On-time Delivery Rate), compliance issues to safeguard your Marketplace.

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Experts Available 24/7

Our dedicated team of Amazon experts is available around the clock to assist with any account health issues you may encounter.

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You can find us here

  • 17714 Bannister st, suite # 103 Dallas TX 75252, USA.
  • +1-469-909-2002


A low Account Health Rating (AHR) score can result in account restrictions, product listing suspensions, or even full account suspension. Additionally, it can negatively impact your search ranking, Best Sellers Rank (BSR), and overall sales, making it crucial to maintain a high AHR score to protect your Amazon account health.
Respond promptly and professionally to negative feedback. Apologize for the inconvenience, offer practical solutions, and show a commitment to improvement. Additionally, consider reaching out to the customer directly to resolve the issue and enhance your Amazon account health.
  • Review the Notice: Carefully review the policy violation notice to understand the specific policy you violated.
  • Research the Policy: Research the policy thoroughly to ensure you fully understand the requirements and how to comply.
  • Take Corrective Action: Implement changes to ensure compliance going forward.
  • Submit a Plan of Action (POA): If necessary, submit a detailed Plan of Action (POA) outlining the steps you will take to prevent future violations and restore your Amazon account health.
Our team works on your account daily, focusing on monitoring your Amazon account health rating. We promptly address any violations or notifications reported by Amazon that could impact your seller account.
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