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EP:07 Amazon AI Algorithm Update: What Amazon Sellers Need to Know

EP:07 Amazon AI Algorithm Update: What Amazon Sellers Need to Know

In this Episode, We sit down with Jon Tilley Founder of ZonGuru we dive deep into the the different types of AI algorithms powering the platform and how these updates will affect Amazon seller business We’ll also address the potential risks of using AI-generated content and how to avoid policy violations. Whether you’re a small business owner or an established seller, this video provides essential insights to help you thrive in the new Amazon landscape.

The transcript for the video is as follows:

In this Episode we discusses the latest changes to Amazon’s AI algorithm. The episode features Jon Tilly, the CEO of ZonGuru, a company that helps e-commerce brands and agencies scale on Amazon.

In the video, Jon talks about how Amazon’s AI algorithm has evolved over the years. He explains that the algorithm is designed to surface the latest greatest best products in front of customers when they’re searching for a product.

Amazon’s business model is to make sure that they are getting the latest greatest best products in front of customers when they’re searching for a product. So, not necessarily always the product that’s selling the most, but you know, they in for longevity of of a business, they want to make sure that when customers are searching for a product, a water bottle, whatever it is, that they are going to get surfaced, you know, the the latest cutting-edge product that is of good quality that’s going to wow their their customer and get them to enjoy the experience and then go back and repurchase, etc., right? So that’s what the algorithm is trying to do now.

Jon also talks about some of the most recent changes that he’s seeing in the Amazon AI algorithm. He says that the algorithm is becoming more semantic, meaning that it’s starting to infer what keywords you should be indexed for based on your product category and the type of product. This is a change from the past, when the algorithm was more keyword-driven.

Overall, the video provides a good overview of how Amazon’s AI algorithm works and how it is changing.

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