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What to Do When Your Amazon Seller Account Is at Risk of Deactivation

2 min Read | 9 min Read

Have you ever signed in to your Seller Central account only to find the scary message ‘Your Amazon seller account is at risk of deactivation’? Do not worry! Though it’s a matter of concern, it is not necessarily the ending line for your Amazon business.

Amazon considers the health of seller accounts at the top. Shockingly, an annual report by Jungle Scout showed that 8% of Amazon sellers get their accounts suspended each year. Significant revenue loss can result from this, and some sellers report losses as high as $10,000 monthly during suspension periods. 

Despite this, understanding why your account might be at risk and taking the right actions at the right time prevents Amazon Account deactivation and gets your business back on track.

Why Did Amazon Account Deactivation Happen? 

As a seller, you must understand why Amazon seller accounts may be deactivated. If you’ve ever noticed from Amazon that your account is at risk of deactivation, it performs badly on different parameters. Some of the reasons why Amazon may deactivate an account of its sellers are as outlined below:

  • Poor Order Defect Rate (ODR): The ODR metric tracks negative experiences like late deliveries, cancellations, and other claims. The ODR above 1% can trigger a warning.
  • Inaccurate Product Listings: The descriptions, images, and titles mislead customers, causing account suspension.
  • Late Shipments: Your seller ratings can be affected if you consistently miss your shipping dates.
  • Inauthentic Products: Selling fake items is a major policy violation regarding Amazon’s rules and regulations.

How to Improve Amazon Seller Account Health?

Here’s what you can do to address the issue, improve your account health, and minimize the risk of Amazon seller account deactivation:

  • Review the Notification: Amazon typically details why your account is at risk. Read the notification carefully to understand the specific area needing improvement.
  • Seller Central’s Account Health Dashboard Visit: Please check Seller Central’s Account Health Dashboard. It offers a comprehensive demonstration of metrics that measure your performance with recommendations on improving each metric.
  • Appeal if Necessary: You can appeal through Seller Central if you think the notice is incorrect.

What Are the Best Practices for Monitoring Your Amazon Account Health Assurance?

To prevent Amazon account deactivation, it is advisable to adopt the below best practices:

  • Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: To succeed, you must give your clients quick responses using e-mails or live chats, provide excellent customer care, and focus on quick and precise deliveries.
  • Maintain Accurate Listings: Always ensure you use correct descriptions and images. All product titles and descriptions should be clear and precise.
  • Source Authentic Products: Sell only genuine products to maintain the trust of the customers and avoid getting suspension of the account.
  • Monitor Your Performance Metrics Regularly: Keep track of your performance metrics, such as the ODR, chargeback rate, and other important metrics, to identify the issues before they arise.

By following the best practices, you can show Amazon that you are a trusted and dependable seller dedicated to offering customers satisfactory services through these measures and avoid the risk of your Amazon seller account deactivation. Besides, sellers who want long-term growth on Amazon should keep their accounts healthy and up to Amazon’s policies.


  • Poor seller performance metrics: This includes a high Order Defect Rate (ODR), late shipment rate, or cancellation rate.
  • Policy violations: Listing counterfeit products, manipulating reviews, or violating Amazon’s intellectual property rights can trigger deactivation risk.
  • Customer complaints: A high volume of negative feedback or A-to-Z Guarantee claims can raise red flags.
  • Inaccurate account information: Providing incorrect business details or failing to update contact information can lead to deactivation.
  • Suspicious activity: Unusual account activity, such as a sudden surge in sales or inauthentic product listings, might trigger a review.
  • Act immediately: Don’t ignore the notification. Take swift action to address the issue.
  • Review the notification: It will outline the specific reason(s) why your account is at risk.
  • Check your Account Health dashboard: This section details your performance metrics and highlights any policy violations.

In some cases, Amazon might restrict your selling privileges while reviewing your appeal. Always refer to the specific instructions in your deactivation risk notification.

If your situation is complex, or you’re unsure how to proceed, consider seeking help from a consultant specializing in Amazon seller accounts.

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